Kaitlyn Kitzan

Executive Director
Lori Chute

Board Member
Dave Nussbaumer

Board Member
Lakeview Insurance Broker / Owner of the Baker Tilley Building
Doug Hull

Board Member
JA Audio
Sean Craib-Petkau

Board Member
Parlour Barber Shop
Damon Syrota

Board Member
Cornerstone Credit Union
2025 YBID Board
About Us
Business owners are the pillar of any burgeoning city.
They stimulate local economies and bring vitality to the surrounding communities. An organized collective of business owners is a powerful voice. The desire for this collective merchant voice has been in the development for years in Yorkton, though it has been existing under various names at different points.
Prior to 2004, this common voice representing business owners was called the Downtown Business Owners Association. Today, it is known as the Yorkton Business Improvement District (YBID). The goal has always been simple: to improve the appearance of the main shopping district and areas in Yorkton. Though the original intentions were good, and the efforts productive, the group faced one key issue: lack of funding to achieve their goals.
After much research and case study review, it was determined the best way to overcome this funding obstacle, and to create a more vibrant and successful effort of business district redevelopment, was to adopt the British Columbia program of a Business Improvement District (BID).
Through City of Yorkton Bylaw 27-2004, the Yorkton Business Improvement District was formed, accessing the needed funds for district redevelopment through a small property levy agreed to by businesses residing within the district boundaries. The district levy funds raised annually are matched by the City of Yorkton.
THE Yorkton Business Improvement District continues to focus on supporting development and building relationships with community partners while continuously striving to be a one-stop support shop for local business within our district.
Vision & Mission
Vision: Make Yorkton's business district a thriving place to be.
Mission: To create awareness of the business district, and promote opportunities for success and positive experiences for all who work and visit there.
YBID Structure
Every year, Yorkton Business Improvement District (YBID) Board membership is renewed, and submitted to the City of Yorkton for approval. To be a YBID Board member an individual or business must fit the following criteria:
You must own a business or commercial property that resides within the Yorkton Business Improvement District (YBID) boundaries. Residential property owners are not eligible for YBID Board participation, as the YBID tax levies are NOT assessed on residential properties.
You must operate a business or commercial entity that physically resides within the YBID boundaries. Any business with a physical presence in the district utilizing rented or leased property within the YBID district, financially contribute to the operations of YBID either directly or indirectly through the Yorkton Business Improvement District Levy.
You must be willing to serve a term of no less than one year.
You must be willing to attend all meetings and serve at the pleasure of his Worship, The Mayor of Yorkton.

Logan Burym

Board Member
Painted Hand Casino
Ernesto Martinez

Board Member
EE Burritos
Kelly Hancock

Board Member
Hancock Plumbing
Mark Smith

Board Member
K. W. Men's Wear
Stephanie Ortynsky

Board Member
City of Yorkton